Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yet another cooking disaster by Marissa

Adam LOVES oatmeal chocolate chip cookies... and since he is coming home from Texas tonight(yay!) and I am so excited because I missed him like crazy, I decided to make him some. But he likes them chewy... and Chelsea said to add extra butter if you want your cookies to be chewy. Well, the cookie recipe must have already been chewy. Read on...

Specimen #1: First dozen. A bowl of too gooey cookies. They wouldn't even stay together! I added some flour to try and remedy my mistake.

Specimen #2: Second dozen. Staying together but looking pretty bad... called mom for help, she suggested adding even more flour and a little bit of baking soda.

Specimen #3: Third and fourth dozen. Perfection!! I fixed it! Two dozen went to waste, but at least I have another two dozen. And do they taste as good as they look? You bet! Chewy too! Adam will be so happy :)

1 comment:

Sierra said...

I have a really good Oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe. Let me know if you need it. Blaine loves it but makes me put butterscotch chips in instead.