Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Tonight was the 4th night of putting Joselyn to bed cold turkey. Adam and I went to the gym at 7:30, got home at 9:00, I fed Joselyn (who was drowsy at this point) and then we "played" with her quietly for a while for about 5 minutes. We told her we loved her and gave her a lot of attention and she was very cheerful. I changed her diaper, swaddled her and laid her in her crib without a pacifier. I was so afraid this was going to be a bad night because she wasn't really as drowsy as she has been the past 3 nights. I went downstairs and joined Adam to watch Mythbusters and we waited for her cry... it never came. It was so weird I had to go check on her... and sure enough, she was asleep! No tears, people! After only 3 days! Now, I realize this may not be an everyday occurance, but it could also mean many nights of putting Joselyn to sleep with no tears! What a good baby Joselyn is.


amaree said...

See? It's hard the first few nights, but isn't it worth it to see them drift off to sleep with out any trauma after the first few rough nights? I'm glad the "crying it out" method worked for you. While there are many critics who say the method is cruel (I guess if you don;t go in and comfort the babies after the first 5-10 minutes, and continue showing them a little love as they're toughing it out, yeah, it's mean and cruel) I think it's cruel to keep the baby from learning how to calm themselves down... There are times when you just can't help them, and as they learn to self-soothe themselves to sleep, it seems like it is much less cruel than babies who don;t know what to do with out Mommy at all times... I'm proud of you Missy :) (and Adam)

Marissa said...

I agree with you... sometimes parenting means watching your babies go through hard times... and though it hurts, it is a necessary step in helping them to become competent individuals. The important thing, like you said, is letting them know that you still love them.