Sunday, September 16, 2007


Chelsea and I both got haircuts yesterday. (two different places) Chelsea did it for a better reason I must say... she cut it REALLY short and donated her hair to Locks of Love in honor of her mother in law. I thought it was so sweet. I wasn't sure how I would like her hair so short, but it is actually REALLY REALLY cute and looks adorable. We let Adam's brother borrow our camera, so I haven't been able to take a picture, but I will when we get it back. I, on the other hand, got a haircut because I haven't had a haircut in over a year!! (lol) I just got two inches trimmed. The lady who cut my hair didn't listen very well because I told her I wanted layers in the front and she gave me layers all around... but once she got started it was a little too late so I decided to roll with it. And I actually really really like the result, so no complaints. I also got it 'styled' but I'll tell you no one knows what to do with my hair and she did NOT know how to use a straightening iron. My hair still looked like a poofball after she used the Chi. So when I got home, I used my OWN Chi to get it really straight and slick just the way I like it. Mom didn't even think my hair looked different, so there's not much to see for me I suppose. But I can take a picture of mine too anyway, just so you can see :) I just know a haircut will be the last thing on my mind once the baby comes. It just may be another 2 years before I get another one... ha!

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