Friday, September 14, 2007

More pictures/video

I thought I would also post a few new pictures of Charlie and Kade, sinced the last one worked out well. Kade was "helping" me do dishes today, and the pics of Charlie are from yesterday. A friend of mine just had a baby, only a few ounces smller than Charlie, and I just can't believe how much that little booger of mine has grown in two months. When they are so little, the growth is exponential, and it's unbelievable! Anyway, Charlie is officially two months old now, and Kade will shortly be 18 months... He has been going to nursery for a couple of weeks with me sitting in... I am SO anxious for him to be officially in! He won't have any trouble adjusting, I don't think.
Anyway, love ya'll.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I LOVE that Charlie is wearing that adorable sweater I got for Kade last year!! It looks so cute on him and it's the perfect season for that brown little raccoon!