Sunday, September 16, 2007


On Thursday, Chelsea, Autumn, mom and I went to Thai food and for some Graeters Ice cream. We took a short walk from Pad Thai to Graeters and then stopped at CVS pharmacy on the way back so mom could get some new nail polish. Well, while we were in there we decided to go down the Halloween aisle... which is also where they had the stuffed animals. Mom and Chelsea thought it was HILARIOUS to put on scary masks and scare Autumn. I thought it was mean... she tried to play brave and say "Not scary... ha ha funny" but then she got her scared face and said "Scary! No!" so I tried to distract Autumn by showing her an adorable kitty stuffed animal I found in the same aisle. She said "Aww... mow (that's what she calls cats). So cute." and would not let go of the thing. So mom ended up having to buy it for her because she would NOT put it back and no one wanted to see poor little Autumn crying over a little $5 stuffed kitty. (it was quite cute... gray with stripes and whiskers.) Chelsea told me she hoped I learned my lesson about showing little girls who love kitties an adorable stuffed kitty. (I wouldn't had to have if they weren't scaring her!) But I'm the one with the last laugh... apparently it is Autumn's favorite kitty now and she won't let go of it. She even took it to her dance class yesterday, from what Chelsea said, and it caused quite the commotion because all the little girls in her class wanted to play with the kitty. That's what you get for scaring an almost two-year-old with Halloween masks!! I still love you though, mom and Chelsea... I know you weren't trying to be malicious.

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