Saturday, September 29, 2007

Charlie's getting so alert now! Most of the time he's so happy and smiley, it's adorable. He's got these deep dimples when he smiles, one in each cheek, and his eyes are so big, almost like he's just so amazed at everything around him and is try to soak it all in. Since he sleeps on his tummy, he's pushing himself up pretty high now and I can tell he's so proud of himself when he does it. (I mention this only for Missy's sake... most babies, who sleep on their backs, don't build those strong arm and neck muscles as fast, since they typically don't end up liking being on their back or don't spend as much time on their tummy. Charlie doesn't mind being on his belly since he sleeps that way, and is getting strong fast.) I get on the floor and just look at him and smile, and he'll smile right back. He's so daggon adorable! He's cooing and gooing, and oh, so much fun.

Just thought I'd let you know a little a bit about Charlie!

Autumn's Birthday!!!

For pictures of Autumn's birthday party go here

Singing Happy Birthday to Autumn!

Eating the Birthday Cake

Opening the Birthday Presents

The Pinata

Autumn and her candy

Birthday Balloons

Roller Coaster! Present from her dad!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just another cute video

Playing with makeup

Autumn, Chelsea and I were hanging out and Autumn decided she wanted to rummage through my purse. She found my make up and we decided to have fun with it! :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hello.... I finally got this. Now that I got it, expect more to come. :) Just not now.......

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A really Good Movie

Last night Adam and I watched a really good movie called "The Ultimate Gift". It's not one of those movies that made it big, I'm sure, but we both really really liked it. It's about this guy who has a very very rich grandfather who dies and tell his grandson that he has many 'gifts' for him as part of his inheritance. The movie made ME realize what gifts truly are important in life and that I should seek after or give. It's not a corny movie at all either, although it may seem so. It's not what you think it would be. So, you should see it :) Because I said it was good :) But have tissues ready.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I love Friday afternoons. At 3:00 my father-in-law comes and picks Kade up for a little afternoon date with him. So the house is quiet. I got a nap today, which has been a rarity this week, and I am about to start cleaning and vaccuming. Charlie is just grunting and cooing. The weather is getting cooler now, and is quite enjoyable. Tomorrow should be beautiful at the farmer's market. I am hoping my time there hasn't been wasted! I guess it hasn't... I just deposited a big check, and I have about $600 more in orders that I need to work on. We have been quite blessed. I think once Christmas is done I might start making some random temples (mostly Billings, Cardston, etc.) and taking them down to the bookstores and selling them. In fact, I may call them right now. Great idea! TTYL!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Autumn loves shopping and Scoobedly Doo (Scooby Doo)

Chelsea promised me she would start this blog this Sunday, but until then, (and because I am always the one taking videos of Autumn) here is a cute video! (notice the 'mow' she she still insists on bringing with her everywhere!)

And Another:

And one last one:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Adam and I were driving the other day when Adam said "Missy, look!" and I looked in front of me to see a foot sticking out of the tailgate of the truck in front of us. It actually kind of startled me at first, but once I realized what it was I laughed... mostly because I remember Dad doing that with a hand in the door of our van in Japan. I tried to get my camera out in time to take a picture, but they turned. I was a little sad. It was something I would have LOVED to catch on film. Then, about an hour later, out of no where it was in front of us again! I couldn't believe it! I got my camera out REALLY quick and took some pictures. So here's one of them for ya :)

Alas, uploading pictures and videos has become more difficult... I no longer have a handy card-reader at my disposal... Which is too bad. I caught Kade wearing my sneakers yesterday, walking around the house in them, and I got video of it. It was too cute. Right now Kade is in his room, hopefully laying down soon for a nap, or soon to join me in my morning clothes-folding adventure, and Charlie is asleep. Kade slept throught the night last night for the first time in a couple of weeks. He's been waking up screaming four or five times a night, very very unusual. Along with that we have had some exciting upchuck adventures, and lots of stuffy-nose adventures, and TONS of "lay-down-with-Kade-and-get-him-back-to-sleep" adventures. I guess the fact that he is in a big-boy bed and actually allows us to lay down with him is a boon, b/c he never used to let us do that. It's been nice to cuddle, despite getting up a MILLION times a night. We've been tired.

Well, I suppose I will write a bit later :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007


On Thursday, Chelsea, Autumn, mom and I went to Thai food and for some Graeters Ice cream. We took a short walk from Pad Thai to Graeters and then stopped at CVS pharmacy on the way back so mom could get some new nail polish. Well, while we were in there we decided to go down the Halloween aisle... which is also where they had the stuffed animals. Mom and Chelsea thought it was HILARIOUS to put on scary masks and scare Autumn. I thought it was mean... she tried to play brave and say "Not scary... ha ha funny" but then she got her scared face and said "Scary! No!" so I tried to distract Autumn by showing her an adorable kitty stuffed animal I found in the same aisle. She said "Aww... mow (that's what she calls cats). So cute." and would not let go of the thing. So mom ended up having to buy it for her because she would NOT put it back and no one wanted to see poor little Autumn crying over a little $5 stuffed kitty. (it was quite cute... gray with stripes and whiskers.) Chelsea told me she hoped I learned my lesson about showing little girls who love kitties an adorable stuffed kitty. (I wouldn't had to have if they weren't scaring her!) But I'm the one with the last laugh... apparently it is Autumn's favorite kitty now and she won't let go of it. She even took it to her dance class yesterday, from what Chelsea said, and it caused quite the commotion because all the little girls in her class wanted to play with the kitty. That's what you get for scaring an almost two-year-old with Halloween masks!! I still love you though, mom and Chelsea... I know you weren't trying to be malicious.


Chelsea and I both got haircuts yesterday. (two different places) Chelsea did it for a better reason I must say... she cut it REALLY short and donated her hair to Locks of Love in honor of her mother in law. I thought it was so sweet. I wasn't sure how I would like her hair so short, but it is actually REALLY REALLY cute and looks adorable. We let Adam's brother borrow our camera, so I haven't been able to take a picture, but I will when we get it back. I, on the other hand, got a haircut because I haven't had a haircut in over a year!! (lol) I just got two inches trimmed. The lady who cut my hair didn't listen very well because I told her I wanted layers in the front and she gave me layers all around... but once she got started it was a little too late so I decided to roll with it. And I actually really really like the result, so no complaints. I also got it 'styled' but I'll tell you no one knows what to do with my hair and she did NOT know how to use a straightening iron. My hair still looked like a poofball after she used the Chi. So when I got home, I used my OWN Chi to get it really straight and slick just the way I like it. Mom didn't even think my hair looked different, so there's not much to see for me I suppose. But I can take a picture of mine too anyway, just so you can see :) I just know a haircut will be the last thing on my mind once the baby comes. It just may be another 2 years before I get another one... ha!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Check these out

Amaree: check out these videos on YouTube... Chelsea, mom and I couldn't stop laughing. Watch the regular one first (second one down) then the fast one, then the slow one.

My new toy!

I know I'm a little bit behind the times, but I finally got an Ipod today :) I've been wanting one for forever! I had a great MP3 player that Adam bought me for Christmas but, you know, it's not an Ipod. When this new one came out Adam confessed he tried to buy it for me a few weeks ago but they were all out. I didn't even KNOW they had came out with a new Ipod nano!! I said "Why are you telling me this?" So I pretty much got him to go buy me one today. A black 8GB one. I had been asking him non-stop for one here recently so I could listen to music when I'm in labor... music helps me with everything. But the cool thing is that I can also put pictures on here and videos! So once the baby is born I can carry my favorite pics and vids of her around and look at them anytime! I could even put a movie on here when I'm traveling in an airplane or something! I'm really excited... and I KNOW I get excited over small things, but you guys should really get one. (ask your husbands for one for Christmas... except I think Chelsea already has one) I don't think I'm getting a Christmas present this year. lol....

And for the video...It's nothing special... I was trying to get Charlie to smile, but he wouldn't, so oh well.

More pictures/video

I thought I would also post a few new pictures of Charlie and Kade, sinced the last one worked out well. Kade was "helping" me do dishes today, and the pics of Charlie are from yesterday. A friend of mine just had a baby, only a few ounces smller than Charlie, and I just can't believe how much that little booger of mine has grown in two months. When they are so little, the growth is exponential, and it's unbelievable! Anyway, Charlie is officially two months old now, and Kade will shortly be 18 months... He has been going to nursery for a couple of weeks with me sitting in... I am SO anxious for him to be officially in! He won't have any trouble adjusting, I don't think.
Anyway, love ya'll.

Hey there. We wills see how this works :) I am trying to get Charlie down for a little nap. He's tired, Kade is already asleep, and I can hardly keep my eyes open. So, Charlie is crying it out right now. I don't ever enjoy that, but I just fed him, so I know he's not hungry, and I know he's not wet (at least, not TOO wet...).

Hey, I will see if I can upload some videos. I am not sure how that works. They are big videos.... Hmmm....

I think Charlie's out! Wahoo!!!

Love ya!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

We are the Kravetz Girls

This is a blog by three sisters who are trying to stay in better touch. We thought it would be a fun way to share pictures, videos and funny stories with each other :)