Friday, April 11, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

Today Amaree and I were talking on Skype, both of us with our babies on our laps. Well, they decided they wanted to talk and have a conversation too, so we let them:

[4:32:19 PM] Marissa Noe says: b y ahbxu hh
[4:32:41 PM] Amaree says: i8,lk tytc, cbhby5bv6b6bvhg768v7u777777
[4:32:45 PM] Marissa Noe says: YY YYYYYYYYYY J
[4:33:01 PM] Marissa Noe says: BK6YHJKM H7KL99999999N887UHYJ
[4:33:03 PM] Amaree says: b yvgf bnb cbk gvfnm bbgf gn nniovfj,.vf vbvfmk l m, bi b ;
[4:33:10 PM] Marissa Noe says: U 7B
[4:33:13 PM] Amaree says: / b hjnnmknnjbff fc rev vf trg
[4:33:28 PM] Marissa Noe says: MIIY7IO NUUJY
[4:33:29 PM] Amaree says: jhj bgnmvm ,kmkkihjumj,gyiukkhmi uom,hy79-i8n798EVVRGE;-[4:33:29 PM] Amaree says: =
[4:33:34 PM] Amaree says: JKB J,MU,DS4N
[4:33:45 PM] Amaree says: i0 pkm yyght itbg4fA
[4:33:50 PM] Marissa Noe says: JN,MU
[4:34:02 PM] Marissa Noe says: HB NNNNNNNNNNNNN
[4:34:03 PM] Amaree says: hHQ HHHHHHHHH/FFF [RT /
[4:34:07 PM] Amaree says: ;[
[4:34:16 PM] Marissa Noe says: J, T TY INUI L;HUT66
[4:34:18 PM] Amaree says: INB IK,ytyg g
[4:34:25 PM] Marissa Noe says: MN
[4:34:28 PM] Marissa Noe says: UHMKL
[4:34:41 PM] Marissa Noe says: MLOLUYGYIK,
[4:34:47 PM] Amaree says: gh 77rdo. b sdfasdvn as ndas mefabnas asduidasbnasdbyasdbhjmkl mvsdg nam sd
[4:34:49 PM] Marissa Noe says: (yawn)

We may not understand what they wrote to eachother, but babies have their own secret language. They know what's going on.

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