Monday, October 15, 2007

Signing Time! Potty Time!

Well, Kade caught me off guard yesterday. We've been watching a few videos- Baby Signing Time and Signing Time- to help Kade communicate with us. It's been really helpful, and Kade can tell us a lot of things that he wants, or point out cars and cats and trucks and airplains and dogs, etc. It's pretty cool and I'm glad we've taught him some signs. Anyway, he has learned the sign for toilet (or potty). We talk a lot about potty and toilets and what people do on the toilet (when he comes and joins me as I am going... I know... TMI!) anyway, we were up at my in-laws yesterday, and they have a little kiddy potty for my nephew. Kade went up to my father-in-law, and also me, waved his little fist (the sign for potty), and then went and sat on the little potty! Well, although he's not completely ready, he's getting there! So we'll be getting a little potty seat soon so Kade can "practice" going in preparation of potty training. He actually sat on a stool this morning with Aaron and was "reading" the newspaper, just like daddy! It was cute... I can't wait. I am dreading having to buy diapers for two (we've been given a lot of diapers for Charlie.)

1 comment:

Marissa said...

That's funny Am. TMI for sure, but funny. :) It sounds like Kade is getting close though!