There ya have it! Joselyn's Nursery! I will try to get pictures from around the house up soon too, although Adam and I are working on a few upgrades at the moment. (replacing the kitchen faucet and the upstairs bathrooms' faucets, putting tile down in the bathrooms upstairs etc.)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Tour of Joselyn's Nursery
There ya have it! Joselyn's Nursery! I will try to get pictures from around the house up soon too, although Adam and I are working on a few upgrades at the moment. (replacing the kitchen faucet and the upstairs bathrooms' faucets, putting tile down in the bathrooms upstairs etc.)
Posted by
5:02 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tonight was the 4th night of putting Joselyn to bed cold turkey. Adam and I went to the gym at 7:30, got home at 9:00, I fed Joselyn (who was drowsy at this point) and then we "played" with her quietly for a while for about 5 minutes. We told her we loved her and gave her a lot of attention and she was very cheerful. I changed her diaper, swaddled her and laid her in her crib without a pacifier. I was so afraid this was going to be a bad night because she wasn't really as drowsy as she has been the past 3 nights. I went downstairs and joined Adam to watch Mythbusters and we waited for her cry... it never came. It was so weird I had to go check on her... and sure enough, she was asleep! No tears, people! After only 3 days! Now, I realize this may not be an everyday occurance, but it could also mean many nights of putting Joselyn to sleep with no tears! What a good baby Joselyn is.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Joselyn is a star!
Posted by
12:11 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sweet cousin
Posted by
4:30 PM
Yet another cooking disaster by Marissa
Adam LOVES oatmeal chocolate chip cookies... and since he is coming home from Texas tonight(yay!) and I am so excited because I missed him like crazy, I decided to make him some. But he likes them chewy... and Chelsea said to add extra butter if you want your cookies to be chewy. Well, the cookie recipe must have already been chewy. Read on...
Specimen #1: First dozen. A bowl of too gooey cookies. They wouldn't even stay together! I added some flour to try and remedy my mistake.
Specimen #2: Second dozen. Staying together but looking pretty bad... called mom for help, she suggested adding even more flour and a little bit of baking soda.
Specimen #3: Third and fourth dozen. Perfection!! I fixed it! Two dozen went to waste, but at least I have another two dozen. And do they taste as good as they look? You bet! Chewy too! Adam will be so happy :)
Posted by
4:15 PM
"iced" in
The roads, our vehicles...
The bushes...
Did I mention my truck?
So as you can see, we can't really go anywhere. So Joselyn and I are just having a relaxing day at home. I am currently sipping on a cup of hot apple cider, watching Pelican Brief (movie) on TV, and watching Joselyn as she plays peacefully on the floor.
Posted by
10:05 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
I can't believe it... after Jos fell asleep, she slept a WHOLE FIVE HOURS!!! It was amazing. She hasn't done that in quite a while... NEVER in her crib at night. I woke up at 6 to feed her, put her back in her crib RIGHT after and she was out once again for another 3 hours. So grateful for that. Can't wait to see if she'll be good tonight. Maybe she'll cry a little less? We'll see!
Posted by
7:17 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Breaks my heart!!
I did the unthinkable tonight... I let Joselyn cry herself to sleep. My heart is broken. Adam is on a business trip in Texas until Tuesday, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to "train" her. He needs his sleep, so I figured if I did this while he was away he wouldn't be bothered... or have to go through the heartbreak that I just went through! I tried the 5 minute method... let her cry for 5, pat her and comfort her, add 5 minutes (so cry for 10) so on and so on... adding 5 minutes each time. Here's what happened:
After I fed her at around 10:00 she was really drowsy so I just laid her straight in her crib. I actually thought she would be out for good. But about a minute later she woke up crying... so I decided to let her cry. This was really hard for me... I hate hearing her cry and it's just been a bad week as it is. (I've been going through a terrible absentmindedness phase that is driving me up the wall for starts) I also miss Adam like crazy, and that kind of made it worse. I could only wait 3 minutes before going in to comfort her. I patted her, told her I loved her over and over again and left the room again. She cried another 5 minutes and I went back in the room, did the same thing. Within another 5 minutes she was asleep. Of course I had to check on her to make sure she was still breathing when she stopped crying... and she was. She was sound asleep, her chest rising and falling. It was so hard, but I know it was for the best. Best for her so she can learn to comfort and soothe herself and get herself back to sleep in the middle of the night; Best for me because I will have the peace of mind knowing she CAN comfort herself. I am truthfully not even really concerned about myself. Yes, more sleep would be nice, and I complain when I have to get up in the middle of the night to put her back to sleep, but I really don't mind it in the long run. I rarely feel deprived of sleep. However, these past two nights she was been waking up WAY too much. I've kind of thought she was going through a growth spurt so I've been feeding her more often in the night, but 30 minutes later she is up crying again, wanting to be held. Despite how much I love cuddling with her and feeling good that she is comforted by me holding her, I know that eventually she's going to have to learn to comfort herself in the middle of the night... and so I put myself through heartbreak. Joselyn is usually a pretty fast learner so I hope that she'll catch on fast... I'm having a hard time with this. It really just breaks my heart, and I hate having to go to bed with all these feelings... it's like I'm ending my day on a sad note :( So, wish me luck!
Posted by
10:48 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
What a smartie!!
For Christmas, Adam and I got this littly play gym for Joselyn. She has always loved it, but is now just figuring out how to pull on the little lion to make the music play. She did it for the first time this morning and ever since has been getting better and better. I had to wait around to catch this video, but after I took it she became a pro and kept on getting it!
Posted by
6:24 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Charlie videos
And here are some videos of Charlie :) He is crawling now, and pulling himself up. He laughs, wants to eat big people food when he has the choice (and even when he doesn't!), and idolized his big brother Kade, who in turn loves to entertain Charlie. So, here are some cute videos of Charlie for ya!
Posted by
12:22 PM
Labels: Charlie
kade videos
Here are some new videos of the boys. Charlie and Kade are both silly and I love them dearly!
Aaron got me some lillies for my birthday, so I taught Kade how to smell the flowers. So funny! So funny! Watch his little nose as he sniffs the flowers.
When we are at church, during Sacrament meeting, sometimes we will take Kade's hands and help him "conduct" the music. Well, I'm not sure where Kade learned this newest trick... but he has gotten into the habit of conducting music at home with a hanger... And he will pick up a hanger and say "music! music!" and start waving it around...
Kade likes to climb into Charlie's crib and play. And he likes to imitate Charlie all the time. So here is the best of both of his habits! We actually had to lower Charlie's matress yesterday because Charlie is now pulling himself up and standing and I was afraid he would fall out of the crib...
Posted by
11:56 AM
Labels: Kade