Missy- I keep meaning to tell you how much Kade loves that teddy bear. We sqeeze the paw of it almost everyday, at least twice. And then he'll kiss it on the nose. Sometimes he'll roar. Too cute.
Kade has become obsessed with cars, and anything with wheels. The funny thing is is that he was born with this love of cars. I have never pushed cars on him, nor did I teach him to "vroom" with cars, and yet it is instinctual. Talk about nature vs nurture. Cars are just something he loves. At my in-laws house, where they have a lot of bigger toy cars and trucks and trains, Kade will run around their big room around the island pushing a car or truck with my nephew Hunter for hours on end. He plays with little match box cars for hours on end at home, running them up my arm, leg, and all over the tables, vrooming and putting. And this afternoon he was pushing the little train all over the house. He would get so frustrated when the little box cars would come apart. So frustrated, in fact, that I sent him to bed. He seemed rather too tired to be awake. He only gets crabby like that when he's tired. Anyway, I got some video of him pushing his "choo-choo". It's cute.
He also likes Frosted Mini-Wheats... I finally gave him his own bowl instead of cherrios. So, a picture of him eating cereal. So funny.
I also got a cute little video of Charlie talking.
He's getting so big!!! Almost three months old now. He likes white noise when he sleeps, as we discovered yesterday. He's napping better for me today as long as it's not quiet. He's in my room on the bed right now, with the fan of our AC running. It's the longest he's napped all week! I have attached some pictures of Charlie that we took over the past couple of days also, since I had them handy. The ones where he is wearing white was when we were watching conference, and the one with him laying on the couch was this morning.
1 comment:
I have two precious nephews. SO precious. I'm so glad Kade loves that bear. It took me long enough to get it to him!! He is so adorable pushing that little train around. I can't believe how big they are getting.
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