Saturday, December 29, 2007

Joselyn's almost 2 months old!

I can't believe that Joselyn will soon be 2 months old! She is such a sweet girl and so pleasant now. I honestly feel incredibly lucky because she really is getting to be a content baby. Her best times are early in the morning when she wakes up and around 6 pm. That's when she smiles and talks the most. This video was taken this morning after she woke up.

Autumn's OTHER Christmas present.... just not as exciting

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas time

Christmas time sure was wonderful this year. We definitely missed having Amaree, Aaron, Kade and Charlie around though. Here are a few fun pics of our Christmas day at the Kravetz home!

Autumn was loving the presents and looked so adorable in her sock monkey PJ's!

Dad, of course, loved his "I Married Up" T-shirt!

Adam is showing Joselyn some of her toys that Aunt Chelsea got her! She looked happy!!

And THIS is the beautiful photokami art from Amaree! We already have it framed in Joselyn's room. We LOVE it!!!!

Here is a sweet video of Autumn opening her present from us. Her reaction was priceless!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Charlie's recent addition to his vocabulary

I got a cute video this morning of Charlie and Kade. I was trying to caputre Charlie's recent noise... He rolls his tongue and squeals... SO cute! And he did it lots for ya'll. And, as I have mentioned to most of you, Charlie is a rolling maniac. He is all over the place; under couches, beds, dressers... He is quite proficient at rolling. Anyway, here ya go!

BTW, Kade really did take his own initiative to clean up the spit-up. It's funny that I caught it on video. He's such a good little helper! He got a big Tonka Truck Dump truck from his Grandma and Grandpa Matthews for Christmas, and he likes to push it around. Yesterday he helped by pushing it to our dumpster with a bag of garbage in it. I was very grateful for the help :) I think he was just excited to push this dumptruck outside! He loves to help when I'm cooking dinner and washing dishes, and most of the time he's a big help when it comes to picking up his toys.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A funny video

This is an adorable video of Autumn trying to get into Joselyn's car seat. What a silly girl... she sure does keep up smiling! Hopefully we'll be seeing more posts from Chelsea soon since she is getting the internet for Christmas!!! Woohoo!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Nativity Picture

I plan on a better post later on today, but wanted to share a quick cute story. We had our Christmas program at church yesterday and so they had this Christmas picture on the front of the program:

Autumn had came to church with mom and was sitting next to me while she did her various musical numbers. I showed Autumn the picture and asked who the baby was and she proudly said "Joselyn!!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some movies of boys!

Here are some more videos :)

Kade sitting on the ball that he put on the chair. Silly silly boy. You've probably seen the picture on our blog, but I just thought this was so funny! I turn around, and there he is sitting on the ball on top of the chair. What he's saying and signing at the end of the video is "stop! stop!" but I didn't understand that until a few days later as I was watching the video. I hadn't learned the sign yet, and didn;t know that Kade knew "Stop". We play a game now, going back and forth with each other saying "stop!" and "go!", "yes!" and "no!". Kade thinks it's a hoot :) Aaron taught him to sit on balls and bounce, or on cushions... or couches... or beds... or me in the morning... Anyway, I thought Kade was so cute and clever for thinking of this.

My videos are rather large files, so it takes them a while to load. I'll just throw in some commentary while I am waiting. Kade has become quite a sweetheart. Every once in a while he comes up and gives me a big hug, and a kiss, just because. It makes my heart melt. And he has started to become more attached to me and Aaron. When he gets hurt, he signs "hurt", sometimes starts crying, and says "Ouch" and comes and gives me a hug and just keeps saying "ouch, ouch, ouch." It is precious... He just loves his mommy and daddy, and it is just wonderful to feel needed and loved by this precious little boy. Charlie has brought out this more tender side of Kade, I think. I think he struggles sometimes with having to share Mommy, even though he probably doesn't remember not having Charlie around. I try to shower him with attention whenever I can, especially if Charlie is asleep and he's not.

Here was a cute Charlie moment. It's just fun to watch him talk and coo and grab his feet... His facial expressions tell such facinating stories. And, the cookies were delicious, by the way! Buried Cherry cookies. Here's the recipe if you'd like :)

Please pardon the laundry on couch... Motherhood=endless laundry. I never see the end of it, and I only have two kids. I can't imagine what having two more kids will be like. Good grief! It's not that I mind folding the clothes... I just hate putting the laundry away. I don't know why. I think part of the problem is that I usually put the boys down in different rooms, mine and the boys' room, and I don;t want to put laundry away and wake them up. Anyway, here is a video of Charlie scooting, rolling... and being himself. Ah... he is so very very cute. So is Kade. They must have inherited all of the good, cute genes... I just hope they didn't get the bad ones!

And he did end up getting the sock, by the way!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Kade and the Christmas Tree, and Charlie talking

Kade is getting so funny. He LOVES to take his little stool and set it in front of the Christmas tree, and just sit there and look at the pretty tree. He gets tempted to touch the tree, but he really tries hard not to since he knows he's not supposed to. He's actually done a great job at not touching. I am really proud of him. I also got him to say a couple of his newest words on the video. And he's starting to try to "jump", and it is SO cute!!! Anyway, Kade watched the video several times (he likes to look at the pictures and videos on the camera) and kept saying "cute!"... Our little vain boy!

I have been trying to capture Charlie talking for a little while. He's got such a cute little baby voice, and it's much higher than Kade's was. He also blows raspberries, which is hysterical. And, of course, his precious smile... I think I got a little of all of them in these few videos.

Here is Charlie smiling for ya!

And here is Charlie talking for ya. And trying to blow raspberries while eating his hand. Less effective, but cute nonetheless.

For more pictures and stories, see our Matthews Family blog!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jos being content

I was trying to get Joselyn to smile for the camera... she had just woken up from a nap and was content as can be. I thought the video captured her personality very well, so here she is even though there was no smile. (I'll try to catch it!)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Some recent pics of Autumn

Since Chelsea is still without the internet, she's asked me to upload some recent pictures of Autumn that she took. Here they are!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Autumn will be a great babysitter

Autumn could be a mother if she really wanted to... she knows how to hold a baby...

She knows how to swaddle...

She knows how to change diapers...

And she knows how to buckle a baby safely in a carseat... at least a toy elephant anyway.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

One day old

I didn't have a chance to post this video yet, so here it is... Joselyn is one day old and I sound so drugged and tired! (which I am)

Little long toes

Joselyn is now two weeks old! Time is already flying! Not only is she growing, but she is more alert and ready to play. She looks around at the world a lot more and yesterday even sat on the couch! We love her more and more... and can't get enough of her little toes!

Monday, November 12, 2007

His little brother's keeper

I tried to post videos on my blog, but since it doesn't work videos will alway be posted here (until they add that feature, anyway...) I have a few cute little videos for you today.

This video is of Charlie rolling over. He's quite adept at this rolling stuff now, and he is able to roll both ways quite smoothly. Oh, he's growing so fast! Look at his little face... he sucks his little lower lip in, and is starting to blow little raspberries! So cute! Please ignore my strange voice at the end of this video... I forgot to cut it out. Oh well. Moms are allowed to make silly and strange noises, right?

(Kade sharing Candy)

Kade likes to make sure that Charlie gets a piece of whatever it is that he is eating or drinking. I was able to catch it on video. So, here is to Kade sharing candy and his milk :) Isn't Kade so sweet and generous? Last night he was sharing his vitamin C (he thinks it's candy) with me. Of course, he only shares when he wants to, and he sure gets jealous of Charlie when he's playing with any toys (C'mon! a RATTLE?) But, Kade's only 19 months... what do you expect, I guess?

(Kade sharing his milk!)

Friday, November 9, 2007


Autumn and Chelsea came over yesterday and Autumn fell in love with a pair of Joselyn's pants. They were really soft and she loved the way they felt. She even tried to put them on, lol. I didn't catch that one in time. Then Autumn decided that Joselyn wasn't warm enough with one blanket and decided to give her about five. What a cutie.


Joselyn loves visitors (so does her mom!) Chelsea came over yesterday with Autumn and we realized we didn't have a picture of them together yet! (lots of videos but no pictures) Autumn is really warming up to the baby... she's really gentle with Joselyn and loves to put blankets on her.

Grandma and Gimpz came over the other night too and spent some time with me and Joselyn while Adam was at the gym. We watched America's Funniest Home Videos and it was nice. Joselyn loved snuggling with Gimpz.

Autumn meets Joselyn

When Autumn first met Joselyn, I think she must have been a little confused. We had been talking about a "baby" for so long, but the "baby" was actually my belly. I wonder if she ever connected the two when she met Joselyn? Autumn was a little scared but I think she is warming up fast. She came to visit yesterday and was having a good ole time with a pair of Joselyn's pants.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Joselyn Love

Well, I got a text message (FINALLY!) at 3:00 in the morning (5:00 Kentucky time) letting me know that I have a new niece! Yey!!! Welcome into this crazy world, little girl! Hopefully you'll get to meet your boy cousins soon. We love you tons already.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trunk or treat

The "trunk" decorated by Chelsea and mom. We had bubbles blowing too, and dad and I passed out the candy to all the kids.

My little baby girl

The trip to the Doctor went well today although there has been no progression. The doctor was happy with what he saw. She weighs 7 pounds 12 oz as of right now. Monday morning, if by then I haven't had the baby, I will go back to the dr's office for a non-stress test. I am scheduled to be induced on Monday evening, November 5th. It's looking likely that I will have my baby on mom's birthday! It will be so fun! I think our baby girl will enjoy having the same birthday as grandma. It will be special. Anyway, here is the picture of her face! I included another picture for some help in deciphering where everything is.

At McDonalds

Cute Autumn at McDonalds.


Autumn doing the train at dance class.For more videos of her dance class on October 27th, go to the following link:

Halloween Ballet Class

It was dress-up day at dance class on Saturday. All the girls dressed up in their Halloween costumes. It was so adorable. Of course, it made all the girls a little rowdy as well. They had fun though! I also added some pictures from McDonalds. Chelsea and Autumn have a tradition of stopping there before dance class to grab some breakfast. Autumn loved her little "Bee" toy.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Autumn Dance Class Videos

Autumn's Dance Class

Since Chelsea moved and doesn't have internet at the moment, I decided to post some pictures and videos of Autumn I took at her dance class on Saturday. It was my first time going to watch her dance and she was SOOOO adorable. She did pretty much everything her dance instructor told her to do. Precious.

Our brother the Pizza Delivery Man

After a fun night out on the town (Adam and I went to go see Antsy McClain perform in the Woodsongs old-time radio hour at the Kentucky Theater... see my blog)Adam and I ordered some Pizza from Sol and watched Heroes. Fun night :) Here's Solomon at our door with the Pizza he made himself special for us. 16" half hamburger/half pepperoni. Always a treat!

Monday, October 22, 2007

I was able to take this rather adorable picture of Charlie the other day and thought I would share his ever-smiling face with ya'll. He is typically a happy booger. I am really enjoying the fact that he goes down with Kade- by that I mean that he's ready for bed at 7:00 p.m. Wahoo!!! Now if only he would sleep ALL NIGHT like his big brother!!! His day will come, I know...
Anyway, here is the cutest little baby boy in the world!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Signing Time! Potty Time!

Well, Kade caught me off guard yesterday. We've been watching a few videos- Baby Signing Time and Signing Time- to help Kade communicate with us. It's been really helpful, and Kade can tell us a lot of things that he wants, or point out cars and cats and trucks and airplains and dogs, etc. It's pretty cool and I'm glad we've taught him some signs. Anyway, he has learned the sign for toilet (or potty). We talk a lot about potty and toilets and what people do on the toilet (when he comes and joins me as I am going... I know... TMI!) anyway, we were up at my in-laws yesterday, and they have a little kiddy potty for my nephew. Kade went up to my father-in-law, and also me, waved his little fist (the sign for potty), and then went and sat on the little potty! Well, although he's not completely ready, he's getting there! So we'll be getting a little potty seat soon so Kade can "practice" going in preparation of potty training. He actually sat on a stool this morning with Aaron and was "reading" the newspaper, just like daddy! It was cute... I can't wait. I am dreading having to buy diapers for two (we've been given a lot of diapers for Charlie.)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Honk Honk!

I taught Autumn a new trick tonight. It was adorable. I honked her nose and she copied me... except she was honking everything including my shoes. I finally got my camera out and caught her doing it a few times.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Missy- I keep meaning to tell you how much Kade loves that teddy bear. We sqeeze the paw of it almost everyday, at least twice. And then he'll kiss it on the nose. Sometimes he'll roar. Too cute.

Kade has become obsessed with cars, and anything with wheels. The funny thing is is that he was born with this love of cars. I have never pushed cars on him, nor did I teach him to "vroom" with cars, and yet it is instinctual. Talk about nature vs nurture. Cars are just something he loves. At my in-laws house, where they have a lot of bigger toy cars and trucks and trains, Kade will run around their big room around the island pushing a car or truck with my nephew Hunter for hours on end. He plays with little match box cars for hours on end at home, running them up my arm, leg, and all over the tables, vrooming and putting. And this afternoon he was pushing the little train all over the house. He would get so frustrated when the little box cars would come apart. So frustrated, in fact, that I sent him to bed. He seemed rather too tired to be awake. He only gets crabby like that when he's tired. Anyway, I got some video of him pushing his "choo-choo". It's cute.

He also likes Frosted Mini-Wheats... I finally gave him his own bowl instead of cherrios. So, a picture of him eating cereal. So funny.

I also got a cute little video of Charlie talking. He's getting so big!!! Almost three months old now. He likes white noise when he sleeps, as we discovered yesterday. He's napping better for me today as long as it's not quiet. He's in my room on the bed right now, with the fan of our AC running. It's the longest he's napped all week! I have attached some pictures of Charlie that we took over the past couple of days also, since I had them handy. The ones where he is wearing white was when we were watching conference, and the one with him laying on the couch was this morning.

Monday, October 8, 2007

As a side note to Kade's "woohoo"-ing, it doesn't matter what kind of "trick" we are doing, flipping him around, spinning him on chairs, him going down slides, he always "woohoo"'s. it's pretty dang cute.

Well, we have the other laptop for a couple of days, which means I can load some video and pictures. Kade is now officially 18 months old!!! What an exciting milestone (I keep wating to say landmark or landstone... goofy brain of mine!) he can now go into Nursery officially. ::WHEW!!!:: Charlie, Kade, and Aaron (who is home sick after puking his guts out multiple times last night... it's a wonder he has any guts left!) are all taking naps now. I should take a nap probably, too, but... I need to use this opportunity.

Charlie is really starting to talk. I remember Kade talking, but Charlie's coos are much higher (Kade had a low voice) and he talks for what feels like is such a long time. I only got a couple of coos on there, but you'll hafta live with that until I get a better video of it. Kade is also saying more words- "Baintee" (blankie), "Papoh" (apple), "gpsh" (grapes), "baooo" (balloon), "woohoo" (video of that), and some other cute words... "Truck". He knows the word MOM, but I have yet to hear him call me that. Aaron says he does...?

There are a bunch of odd-ball pictures, but lemme see if I can comment on them, albeit will be rather random and not in order. Kade wearing MY shoes (two videos also of that. I CAUGHT him walking around in them, I did not put them on him!), Kade giving himself a moisturizing treatment with BUTTER, Kade playing in the bathtub (he LOVES his baths!), Kade reading scriptures on my bed (once again caught in the action), Kade playing UNDER his bed (Dad taught him that one... it's one of their favorite places to play), Charlie on the floor, Kade being VERY thirsty, Grandma Matthews and the two boys (as we were cleaning our carpet), Kade playing the piano at church (he always "conducts" when he sees a piano or a hymn book... he knows it's music and when we sing at church I sometimes "help" him conduct to keep him still) and Chipmunk Kade stuffing grapes (the record is 5, I think) into his mouth.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dad is turning 15! Wait... how does that work? LOL! Anyway, sorry about the darkness of the video... it was, well, dark.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

And Last But not least.... A couple of "Family Pictures"

I figured while I was at it, I would show some pictures from Autumn's first day of Dance Class...