Thursday, July 3, 2008

Walking Baby Charlie

Our little munchkin finally figured out that he already knew how to walk. Isn't it amazing how that works? I think all of us have these abilities that we don't realize we have, and the only reason we don't do them is that we don't think we can. And then one day, when faced with a challenge, we take a leap of faith and try it. Then we realize, "wait... I know how to do this! And I'm GOOD at it, too!"

That was Charlie today. After months of really being able to walk on his own, though he didn't have the self confidence to try it, he decided today that he COULD walk, and that he could walk WELL, too.

Watch and witness his amazing abilities!

We are proud of our little boy... and can't believe he's growing so fast. He turns 1 in just over a week!

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