Joselyn is going to miss her "gimpz"!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
We're going to miss you!!
Posted by
1:08 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Chelsea's House: Office, Dining Room, Kitchen, Living Room and Backyard
Posted by
9:50 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Amaree!
(there are 28 candles on this cake for you) I can't believe you are 28!! That means I'm almost 27! Wow... we're growing up, aren't we? Well, hope it was wonderful. Miss you and love you bunches!!
Posted by
7:16 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Yesterday Chelsea and Autumn came over once again after dance class. Autumn had her hair in cute pigtails and took them out... her hair stuck out so bad and it was so cute! It looked like she had little wings on the side of her head! Big smile too!!
Posted by
10:47 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
"Sleepy" Boy
Kade just started saying the word "Sleep" today. He didn;t say it in the video, however. But he has started climbing into our bed and wanting to "sleep" and will lay down on our pillow and pretend to sleep... for a second or two. It's cute! Kade is so funny. When he drags his hand over his face, he is signing "sleep".
I am actually pretty glad that Kade has learned some sign language, as we just had a family move into the ward with a deaf little girl in Nursery with Kade. Perhaps he will continue learning his sign language. Speaking of Nursery, Kade loves Nursery. In fact, when we get to church we try not to pass the Nursery door because he starts saying "Nursery, Nursery". We don't even have to go down that hallway, just going to church gets him excited for Nursery. I'm glad he likes it... I sure like not having to worry about a squirmy 1 1/2 year old in Sunday School!
Posted by
10:01 PM
Labels: Matthews Boys
Cuddly Boys
Kade is a very affectionate brother. He loves to hug and cuddle his baby brother. When Kade does something that he shouldn't have and hurts Charlie, I tell him to say he's sorry and to give Charlie a hug. Kade will promptly sign and/or say sorry, and give Charlie hugs and kisses. In fact, it doesn;t matter if it IS Charlie that he hurts, or if he's just done something he shouldn't have, wen I tell him to say he's sorry, he always says it to Charlie even if I'm the one he should be sorry to! Anyway, Kade loves to cuddle. Watch Charlie's face, though... It's hysterical!
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Matthews Boys
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Making Cookies with Aunt Missy
After dance class, Chelsea and Autumn came over. While Chelsea tried to console the cranky baby (she just wasn't being her usual smiley self this morning) Autumn and I made Andes Mint Chip cookies. They turned out okay... but it was fun making them! Autumn was so helpful... she stirred things for me, poured all the ingredients into the bowl and even had a few tastes to make sure they would taste okay.
After all the hard work this morning, Autumn settled down on the couch, cuddled under some blankets with one of Joselyn's elephants and watched some silly Nick Jr. show I can't remember the name of. At least she enjoyed it!
Posted by
3:08 PM
Another dance class
Joselyn and I went to watch Autumn at dance class this morning. I was sure Jos would love watching the little girls dance, but instead she was a little whiny. Oh well. It was lots of fun to watch Autumn dance. She is so full of energy. She is also very sweet. There was a little girl who was too shy to dance today and was sitting on the side with her mom. Autumn went by and sat down next to her a bit and said hi. It was really sweet. Here are a few pics from this morning!
Autumn with our parents' next door neighbors granddaughter:
Autumn looking at herself in the mirror:
Chelsea holding Joselyn:
Sitting in a circle:
Posted by
2:58 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
You will actually be shocked to know that yes, CHELSEA is posting a blog!!!
The good news is that I have my scanner hooked up, and my computer all set up... everything is ready to go.... so therefore, I am ready to post a couple of my favorite pictures of my baby girl!!! (One with me and mom at the movies)
Im sure you saw a while ago a video of Autumn freaking out about her "Yucky Bug" from McDonalds... Well, mom and I took Autumn to see the Bee Movie, and we decided to have fun in the photo booth. Autumn, to this day, is STILL laughing at these pictures!!! The other picture is an ALL time favorite of my Mother (and me)... This was Autumn's "Flower Girl" picture from Amandas wedding. :) Well... when I get more time on my hands, I shall post some more fun stuff!!! Enjoy!
Posted by
2:40 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Adam's morph into Michael Owen
People in Thailand used to say that Adam looked like him!!
Posted by
2:57 PM