I can't believe that Joselyn will soon be 2 months old! She is such a sweet girl and so pleasant now. I honestly feel incredibly lucky because she really is getting to be a content baby. Her best times are early in the morning when she wakes up and around 6 pm. That's when she smiles and talks the most. This video was taken this morning after she woke up.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Joselyn's almost 2 months old!
Posted by
11:17 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas time
Christmas time sure was wonderful this year. We definitely missed having Amaree, Aaron, Kade and Charlie around though. Here are a few fun pics of our Christmas day at the Kravetz home!
Autumn was loving the presents and looked so adorable in her sock monkey PJ's!
Dad, of course, loved his "I Married Up" T-shirt!
Adam is showing Joselyn some of her toys that Aunt Chelsea got her! She looked happy!!
And THIS is the beautiful photokami art from Amaree! We already have it framed in Joselyn's room. We LOVE it!!!!
Here is a sweet video of Autumn opening her present from us. Her reaction was priceless!
Posted by
9:13 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Charlie's recent addition to his vocabulary
I got a cute video this morning of Charlie and Kade. I was trying to caputre Charlie's recent noise... He rolls his tongue and squeals... SO cute! And he did it lots for ya'll. And, as I have mentioned to most of you, Charlie is a rolling maniac. He is all over the place; under couches, beds, dressers... He is quite proficient at rolling. Anyway, here ya go!
BTW, Kade really did take his own initiative to clean up the spit-up. It's funny that I caught it on video. He's such a good little helper! He got a big Tonka Truck Dump truck from his Grandma and Grandpa Matthews for Christmas, and he likes to push it around. Yesterday he helped by pushing it to our dumpster with a bag of garbage in it. I was very grateful for the help :) I think he was just excited to push this dumptruck outside! He loves to help when I'm cooking dinner and washing dishes, and most of the time he's a big help when it comes to picking up his toys.
Posted by
8:41 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A funny video
This is an adorable video of Autumn trying to get into Joselyn's car seat. What a silly girl... she sure does keep up smiling! Hopefully we'll be seeing more posts from Chelsea soon since she is getting the internet for Christmas!!! Woohoo!!!
Posted by
9:10 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Nativity Picture
I plan on a better post later on today, but wanted to share a quick cute story. We had our Christmas program at church yesterday and so they had this Christmas picture on the front of the program:
Autumn had came to church with mom and was sitting next to me while she did her various musical numbers. I showed Autumn the picture and asked who the baby was and she proudly said "Joselyn!!"
Posted by
6:24 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Matthews Look-alike Meter
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph
Posted by
1:13 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Some movies of boys!
Here are some more videos :)
Kade sitting on the ball that he put on the chair. Silly silly boy. You've probably seen the picture on our blog, but I just thought this was so funny! I turn around, and there he is sitting on the ball on top of the chair. What he's saying and signing at the end of the video is "stop! stop!" but I didn't understand that until a few days later as I was watching the video. I hadn't learned the sign yet, and didn;t know that Kade knew "Stop". We play a game now, going back and forth with each other saying "stop!" and "go!", "yes!" and "no!". Kade thinks it's a hoot :) Aaron taught him to sit on balls and bounce, or on cushions... or couches... or beds... or me in the morning... Anyway, I thought Kade was so cute and clever for thinking of this.
My videos are rather large files, so it takes them a while to load. I'll just throw in some commentary while I am waiting. Kade has become quite a sweetheart. Every once in a while he comes up and gives me a big hug, and a kiss, just because. It makes my heart melt. And he has started to become more attached to me and Aaron. When he gets hurt, he signs "hurt", sometimes starts crying, and says "Ouch" and comes and gives me a hug and just keeps saying "ouch, ouch, ouch." It is precious... He just loves his mommy and daddy, and it is just wonderful to feel needed and loved by this precious little boy. Charlie has brought out this more tender side of Kade, I think. I think he struggles sometimes with having to share Mommy, even though he probably doesn't remember not having Charlie around. I try to shower him with attention whenever I can, especially if Charlie is asleep and he's not.
Here was a cute Charlie moment. It's just fun to watch him talk and coo and grab his feet... His facial expressions tell such facinating stories. And, the cookies were delicious, by the way! Buried Cherry cookies. http://southernfood.about.com/od/chocolatecookies/r/bl11201e.htm Here's the recipe if you'd like :)
Please pardon the laundry on couch... Motherhood=endless laundry. I never see the end of it, and I only have two kids. I can't imagine what having two more kids will be like. Good grief! It's not that I mind folding the clothes... I just hate putting the laundry away. I don't know why. I think part of the problem is that I usually put the boys down in different rooms, mine and the boys' room, and I don;t want to put laundry away and wake them up. Anyway, here is a video of Charlie scooting, rolling... and being himself. Ah... he is so very very cute. So is Kade. They must have inherited all of the good, cute genes... I just hope they didn't get the bad ones!
And he did end up getting the sock, by the way!!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
Posted by
10:34 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Kade and the Christmas Tree, and Charlie talking
Kade is getting so funny. He LOVES to take his little stool and set it in front of the Christmas tree, and just sit there and look at the pretty tree. He gets tempted to touch the tree, but he really tries hard not to since he knows he's not supposed to. He's actually done a great job at not touching. I am really proud of him. I also got him to say a couple of his newest words on the video. And he's starting to try to "jump", and it is SO cute!!! Anyway, Kade watched the video several times (he likes to look at the pictures and videos on the camera) and kept saying "cute!"... Our little vain boy!
I have been trying to capture Charlie talking for a little while. He's got such a cute little baby voice, and it's much higher than Kade's was. He also blows raspberries, which is hysterical. And, of course, his precious smile... I think I got a little of all of them in these few videos.
Here is Charlie smiling for ya!
And here is Charlie talking for ya. And trying to blow raspberries while eating his hand. Less effective, but cute nonetheless.
For more pictures and stories, see our Matthews Family blog! www.photokami.com/blog
Posted by
10:03 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Jos being content
I was trying to get Joselyn to smile for the camera... she had just woken up from a nap and was content as can be. I thought the video captured her personality very well, so here she is even though there was no smile. (I'll try to catch it!)
Posted by
5:07 PM